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Due to their status as being Critically Endangered and the sensitivity of the habitats they inhabit, we cannot disclose the exact location of where the Poweshiek skipperlings reside. However, we do encourage you to spend time outdoors wherever you are observing and learning more about your wildlife neighbors.

The Poweshiek skipperling was once a common butterfly across much of North America’s prairie. However, only 1% of that prairie habitat remains. The primary threat to Poweshiek skipperlings is habitat loss and fragmentation. Other threats such as pesticides and invasive plants likely contribute today to the range-wide decline of the species.

The combined efforts of organizations and individuals in North America have saved the Poweshiek skipperling from extinction. However, as one of the most endangered animals on the planet, the species remains in a precarious state and continued conservation action is needed to bring them back from the brink.

There are many things you can do to make a difference and lend a hand. Choosing native plants in your garden or yard provides critical habitat and resources for many pollinators and other wildlife. Chemical pesticides are a cause of pollinator decline and can hurt many other species of plants and animals and should be avoided when possible. You can also stay up to date on issues impacting wildlife and the needs of threatened species in your area. Lastly, lending time or money to organizations working on the conservation of endangered species is another way to impact these timely issues.

If you may have seen a Poweshiek skipperling in the wild, please send any information including photos to You may also want to post your possible sighting to iNaturalist  to connect with others in the community who may be able to help with identification.

To learn even more about the Poweshiek skipperling, visit the interactive Plight of the Poweshiek storymap.

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